Home Improvement

The Ultimate Guide to Electric Lawn Mowers Review

Total 1600W Electric Lawn Mower (TGT616151)


In an era increasingly defined by its commitment to environmental sustainability, electric lawn mowers are becoming a popular choice among many Kenyan homeowners. If you’re searching for an electric lawn mower but feeling lost on where to begin, don’t fret – you’re in the right spot. This guide will delve deeper into the array of benefits and features that electric lawn mowers offer. From their operational efficiency to their environmental impact, we will explore why these devices are steadily becoming the preferred tools for modern lawn care.

Types of Electric Lawn Mowers

Electric lawn mowers represent a modern evolution in lawn care technology, providing an eco-friendly alternative to traditional petrol-powered mowers. At their core, electric lawn mowers utilize electric power to drive their cutting blades and propulsion mechanisms, minimizing emissions and reducing the overall carbon footprint. These mowers are prized for their quiet operation, ease of use, and lower maintenance requirements. There are two primary categories of electric lawn mowers which are:

1. Corded lawn mower

Total 1600W Electric Lawn Mower (TGT616151)

A corded electric lawn mower operates by being plugged into an electrical outlet through an extended power cord. This ensures a constant power supply, enabling the mower to run for extended periods without concerns about battery depletion. However, corded mowers are somewhat limited by the length of the cord, which can make maneuvering around larger lawns or obstacles a challenge. They are best suited for small to medium-sized lawns and usually come with features such as adjustable cutting heights and ergonomic handles.

2. Cordless lawn mower

Total Cordless Lawn Mower - TLMli20186

On the other hand, a cordless electric lawn mower relies on battery power, offering unparalleled mobility and convenience. These mowers are equipped with rechargeable batteries, which typically provide enough power for up to an hour of mowing before needing a recharge. Advances in battery technology, particularly the use of lithium-ion batteries, have significantly extended the runtime and efficiency of cordless mowers. They are ideal for larger lawns or areas where a power outlet might not be readily accessible. The primary advantage of cordless mowers is their freedom of movement, although they do require periodic recharging and might have a slightly higher initial cost due to the battery packs.

The effectiveness of electric lawn mowers is largely attributed to the technological mechanisms integrated into their design. High-torque electric motors ensure that the blades maintain consistent speed and cutting power, even in tougher grass conditions. Additionally, many models feature smart technology, such as automatic blade adjustment, overload protection, and energy-efficient settings. These innovations ensure that electric mowers deliver a top-notch performance while remaining environmentally sustainable and user-friendly.

The Benefits of Using Electric Lawn Mowers

Electric lawn mowers offer several advantages that make them a sustainable and convenient choice for modern lawn care. Which are:

Eco-friendliness – Unlike gas-powered mowers, electric lawn mowers produce no direct emissions, thereby helping to reduce harmful greenhouse gases. This makes them an excellent option for individuals looking to minimize their environmental impact.

Quiet operation – Traditional mowers can be quite noisy, often disrupting the peace of neighborhoods. In contrast, electric lawn mowers operate with minimal noise, making them a quiet lawn mower alternative that promotes a more peaceful and harmonious environment. This feature is particularly beneficial for early-morning or late-evening mowing sessions.

Maintenance – Electric lawn mowers are notably low-maintenance. They do not require frequent oil changes, spark plug replacements, or the same level of upkeep that gas-powered mowers demand. This makes electric mowers an excellent choice for those who prefer a low-maintenance lawn mower that still provides efficient and reliable performance. The simplicity of maintenance not only saves time but also reduces long-term costs associated with upkeep.

Cost-effectiveness – While the initial investment in an electric lawn mower might be slightly higher compared to gas mowers, the long-term savings are substantial. Electric mowers are more energy-efficient and typically have lower operational costs. Over time, users will notice reduced expenditure related to fuel and maintenance.

These benefits collectively make electric lawn mowers an appealing choice for eco-conscious homeowners.

Factors to Consider When Choosing an Electric Lawn Mower

When selecting an electric lawn mower, multiple factors need to be evaluated to ensure that the machine suits your specific lawn care requirements. These include:

1. Size of your lawn

One of the primary considerations is the size of your lawn. For smaller lawns, both corded lawn mowers and battery-powered models can be effective options. Corded mowers offer continuous power without the need for recharging, but the cord length can limit mobility and may require the use of extension cords. In contrast, cordless electric mowers provide greater flexibility and freedom of movement, which can be beneficial for maneuvering around obstacles.

2. Battery life

Battery life is a crucial factor for battery-powered lawn mowers. To tackle medium to large-sized lawns, a mower with a longer battery life and a quick charging capability is essential. Some models come with removable batteries, allowing users to swap one out with a spare, ensuring uninterrupted mowing sessions. When comparing these models, looking into electric lawn mower reviews to gauge real-world battery performance and reliability is beneficial.

3. Cost

Another important aspect is the overall cost, which encompasses the initial purchase price and long-term operational costs. Electric mowers generally have lower maintenance costs as they don’t require petrol or oil changes, unlike traditional gas-powered mowers. However, it’s prudent to consider the replacement cost for batteries in the future for cordless models. Conducting a lawn mower comparison can help identify which models offer the best value for your investment while meeting your lawn care needs.

4. Additional Features

It’s also advisable to look into additional features such as cutting width, height adjustments, and ease of storage. Advanced models may come with enhanced features such as mulching capabilities or self-propulsion, which can significantly improve the mowing experience. In light of these considerations, reading through detailed electric lawn mower reviews can provide practical insights and help readers make well-informed decisions tailored to their lawn care requirements.


Electric lawn mowers have emerged as a great choice for environmentally conscious homeowners seeking a quieter and more efficient mowing experience. These machines contribute to a healthier and more sustainable lifestyle. As battery technology continues to advance, electric lawn mowers are becoming increasingly powerful and capable of handling larger lawns. We encourage you to explore the range of electric options available on Skywave and consider making the switch to a greener mowing solution. By choosing an electric lawn mower, you’re not only benefiting your own backyard but also contributing to a cleaner and quieter neighborhood.

Ready to embrace the future of lawn care? Compare features and consider contacting a local retailer to find the perfect machine for your yard.

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